

(Un)Forgiveness (Dis)Empowers You

Craig Matthews

Unforgiveness hurts those who harbor its toxicity.

A saying goes like this: “Unforgiveness is like you drinking poison hoping another person will die.”

When we refuse to forgive the people who have offended, harmed, insulted, or wronged us, we are the ones who suffer. We suffer twice— for as long as we choose, once from the initial offense and then as long as we choose to hang on to the misdeed in our hearts. Plus, holding onto the pain is akin to hanging onto a red-hot piece of iron because it continues to burn us.

Forgiveness is the release of our desire to get even.

Forgiveness brings real power.

Forgiveness also brings genuine healing.

From a Christian perspective,forgiveness is letting go of our offenders by faith, knowing that God is for us and he holds our future in his hands.

Bitterness, anxiety,depression, and many other disorders can have their nasty roots based on unforgiveness .

Do you want peace? Forgiveness is the key.

Do you seek power over your past? Forgiveness brings it home.

Do you want peace with God? His forgiveness found in Jesus is the key.

“God, I forgive ______ for______.”

Forgiveness is a process for us humans. Every time the offense raises its ugly head and seeks to overtake your life, offer it up again. Do this with humility, without strings attached, as long as you need to, and you will have the freedom you seek.

Disempower means to “deprive of influence,” and is what forgiveness brings.

Forgiveness deprives the offense of influencing our lives any longer.

We must wrestle with this challenging question: “Has unforgiveness stolen enough of your life yet?”

Has it?

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"He that lives in hope dances without music."
George Herbert
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