


Craig Matthews

The question arises occasionally: “If you could have any superpower,what would it be?”

I always say, “flying.” I wanted to be a pilot, so I love airplanes, Ironman, and Superman.

Then,I met Jesus. He took me from nothing and made me a son. From empty to filled with his Spirit. From orphan to his very own. I loved him for that, I really did, but I didn’t know how to trust him with much.

I rebelled and tried to give it back. I walked when I could have soared. I crawled when I could have run. I lay in the mud when I was already clean.

Jesus didn’t quit on me for my wandering ways, sin, or shame.

I know he won’t quit on you.

Even though I limp through the valley of the shadow of death most of the time, Jesus sees what I will become as what I already am. He loves me toward what he has called me to. He breathes life into these old bones.

I get to fly despite myself.

Jesus is my only Superpower. He wants to be yours. Ask him.

If you want help on the journey, reach out.

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"He that lives in hope dances without music."
George Herbert
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