

Memorial Day 2024

Craig Matthews

Memorial Day 2024

105 plus years after the Great War, also known as the “War to end all Wars,” Americans and other nations around the globe on May 27th will pause to remember those who gave their lives for the cause of liberty. All of those brave souls who never made it home to enjoy the freedom that they helped secure for the rest of us. That gruesome and almost forgotten war was not the final battle for freedom that it was advertised to be. The fallen nature of man cannot be hidden behind technology and labels; it still oozes out all over our modern society. Remembering their sacrifice (and the millions more since WWI) can re-center us to focus on the blessings of freedom. That remembrance can give us renewed vigor to preserve liberty for all people.

Tyranny is easy—as it lays the cost on other people.

Freedom is expensive because it requires me to stand up.

This Memorial Day, stand and remember. Inspire freedom— as they did.

My grandfather Joseph Jacobucci, a brave American soldier, fought in WWI (26th Yankee Division) and nearly lost his life in Argonne. His incredible story of courage and resilience has inspired me to share it with the world. You can read about his desperate pursuit of freedom in my book, Immigrant Patriot by Craig Matthews.

His story, and the stories of countless others, should inspire us all to cherish and protect the freedom they fought so hard for.

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"He that lives in hope dances without music."
George Herbert
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